Here's page a made using various kits, mostly from Delicious Scraps older freebies (I have to go through my files to see what exactly I've used). These pictures are from my parents wedding way back when. They are coming up on an anniversary in September. I think it's their 40th... think, but I'm not sure... I do know they've been married more than 35 years. Here's my creation:
Okay, I'm adding a beach themed page I made with In the Sandbox by Keep in Touch Design. I'd love to give you a link, but I can't seem to find it. I search out so many freebies at a time that unless the designer has their web address in their Terms of Use or included elsewhere in their kits, I can't ever find them again. In this case, I did find the designer in a store HERE. I can't afford to buy these kits, thus the freebie I used:
I may have found this kit in a challenge board somewhere, but rarely do I ever have time to meet the deadlines. I just grab the kits. I guess I should pay more attention, huh? Or have a less busy life? Both, I'm sure.
I'm still getting the hang of PSP X3, but if you notice in the above, I actually cropped photo into a clam shell shape. Yay me!! In this case, I pasted a clam shell from the kit onto a new layer in the photo I was working with. Then I used the magic wand to select the outline of said shell. I deleted the clam shell layer, inverted the selection and hit crtl+c to copy. Finally, I hit ctrl+v to paste as a new layer- viola! I'm so proud of myself, but I'll probably cuss at my computer the next time I try this. haha.
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